Emma Hoey, Midleton
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- 27/09/2016
I first started going to colette when I was about 26 weeks pregnant with severe lower back and pelvic pain, so bad I was having great difficulty walking and dressing myself. Colette worked miricles and after two sessions I was painfree and able to get around and continue working. I went back to colette when Roisin was born due to severe back and rib pain and again she worked wonders and I was soon pain free. During one of these sessions I mentioned to Colette how unsettled Roisin was, very poor to feed, poor to bring up wind and at this stage she was screaming in pain after each bottle despite comfort formula and colic relief drops. Her colic and reflux was so bad she couldn’t even lie flat to have her nappy changed and was sleeping propped up on pillows.
Roisin had here first session of craniosacral therapy with colette at about 5 weeks old and my only regret was that I hadn’t brought her sooner. I could see an improvement after the first session and after the second session she was a complete different baby, no more feeding problems and no distress for her or me after each feed. She is 5 months old now and loves tummy time and sleeps on her back and isn’t bothered by colic or reflux.
I have recommended Colette to alot of family and friends especially friends who have new babies because she worked wonders on Roisin and for that i will be forever greatful.